


Welcome to my portfolio! I'm Adelin and I'm 16 yo.
Currently I'm a high school student dedicated for programming and cybersecurity.
On this page you can view my work and the awards won.



First place at the cyber security olympiad, regional phase

Third place at the informatics olympiad, regional phase


Programming languages

Python - Few big personal projects


C++ - Main programming language. One of my best project is made with C++ (SaveNet). I get the third place on informatic olympiad with C++ by resolving algorithmic problems. Also I resolved over 1000+ problems on the main Romanian informatic site (pbinfo.ro). User: uncrowned

Java - I made a game using this and Greenfoot for a Java Competition.


I'm Adelin and I'm 16 yo. I'm a high school student dedicated for programming and cybersecurity but I also like physics and math. I am very ambitious and dedicated to personal development. Every time I want to spend developing me and become better. My favorite hobby is informatics and solving algorithmic problems, but also working out. I have not always been dedicated to programming and I started quite late, around the 8th grade. I can say that it wasn't easy to learn very easily because I didn't have the proper tools, but over time I started to learn more and more and it became very easy to learn computer science. At the moment I can say that I have found my true passion and the "gift" that was given to me, that of programming efficiently, quickly and constantly. From my point of view, everyone should develop a strong discipline to advance in what they want. My main goal in life would be to open a business :)) or to reach google


Contact Me

Gmail adelinionut297@gmail.com
Github https://github.com/HojdaAdelin
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/adelin-hojda-69590a22b/